Cheddar Bay Biscuits & Quaaludes *

So it’s Tuesday. I haven’t had a single post since last Monday. . . as you probably read, it was a rough one. The whole week was really. I swear I was working on a post for the past 4 days but it crashed without saving a single word yesterday afternoon, to which I said Fuck It. I then quickly realized my computer had a virus!!! It’s an Apple. They never get viruses. It’s unheard of, impossible! Well, lets just say when your husband convinces you that his coworker owns a copy of “Wolf of Wallstreet” that we can download on to my computer to watch at home. . . .it’s probably NOT legit. Like really? Not sorry about it though. I enjoyed the hell out of that movie from my very comfy couch with a Biggby Frozen Hot Chocolate and some Goldfish crackers. #MyLife.

It was great quality too (I was expecting the Seinfeld bootleg), something about being for “ratings viewing only” kept scrolling across the tippy top of the screen from time to time but hey, I give it a TV MA (and then some). It was wildly inappropriate but was all together fantastic. A little long like people had mentioned but at no point was I ever bored. I think the entire premise of the film was to fill you in on the illicit lives of these wall street execs and show you the trouble they were getting themselves into. If you ask me it just made me want to go sell a few penny stocks and do a bunch of cocaine. #KiddingAside, This movie was outright rowdy! I suggest you watch it for the pure and simple fact that Leo is a genius ( ♥ HIM ) and it’s just truly hilarious. Jonah isn’t too bad either. Ps. #IfYouDon’tLikeBoobsThisFilmIsNOTForYou.

So anyhow, lets move on to Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Through typical mundane conversation, my friend Ashley and I were discussing the wretched places that her 7 year old daughter wants to go for her birthday dinner this weekend (her birthday is Sunday- Paige can’t wait to go to the party – once discovering all parties/showers include cake, she’s a fan. #whoknew? PS. She picked Red Robin). Since it’s also my Husband’s birthday Friday and MY birthday Saturday, she asked us what our plans were for the celebrations. . . . to which I realized that our birthday weekend was in no way going to be as exciting as a 7 year olds. We just planned on going to dinner Friday with our parents and daughter. #GettingOld.

We’ve always celebrated together, because, well, why the hell not? It would be idiotic to try and cram another event on our busy calendar when we can simply blow candles together. Plus it’s fun. We exchange gifts at the stroke of midnight – When Pj’s Birthday ends and My Birthday begins. It’s kinda the routine we came up with our first year together to “share” the day. When Ashley asked where we were going to eat (apparently NOT Red Robin), I realized I had no idea. This however didn’t bother me. . . I can really go anywhere . . . Except Chilli’s. They really went down hill over the past few years and I despise their lazy attempt at a half-assed tex-mex menu. I mean seriously, it’s well known the midwest’s Mexican food sucks, I’m well aware. But if you’re gonna go for it, give it all you got. Ribs?? Really? Since when was that a favorite? #ChillisYou’reStupid. If I could go anywhere for dinner it would be San Diego. Yes, the city. Between Taco Fiesta and The Donut Bar, I could create the outright best birthday dinner / desert combo this girl has ever seen. 

Regardless, these fantastic destinations don’t exist in the mitten and while I can daydream all I want, I in no way  will ever get my hands on these delightful treats before the 1st. So, with that said- Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I don’t even like Red Lobster all that much, and if you know me, I HATE CHEESE. (Yeah I know it’s weird, I hear it all the time. Just deal with it for the time being and we can address this subject at another time.) BUT: These scrumptious little morsels are found warm, toasty and never ending on every table in the joint. How CAN you eat just one?! #SoTrue

I’m a huge fan and their is no denying it. I could eat an entire basket to myself, no shame. While I continued my conversation with Ashley, I mentioned that I may or may not utilize my daughter’s inability to produce sentences to my advantage and have proclaimed her love for these biscuits on more than one occasion. Thus hinting the desire she has mom has to visit Red Lobster. This isn’t a total lie. She did eat 2 biscuits before dinner even arrived when she was only 1 year old and roughly 15 pounds. I think the math speaks for itself. #SheLovesThemToo.

This is when the tables were turned. Now PAY ATTENTION: I have spent many a months pinning recipe after recipe hoping to find one copycat that didn’t require a space ship and 14 different herbs included. While I am all about making something myself whenever possible, some of these “DIY Copy Cat Recipes” are for the birds. Honestly? I’m lazy. I want instant satisfaction. On that note, I give you THIS:

Cheddar Bay Biscuits

Cheddar Bay Biscuit MIX! Ok, listen. I am sure these have been around for like years at this point, and NO, I didn’t have a clue. But it’s things like that this make my Tuesday and for everyone out there that already knew. . . shame on you for not posting about it sooner! I’ve yet to see this make my pin-feed but I’ve seen 101 DIY recipes. I can’t honestly be expected to pull that shit off on a week night. #LetsBeReal. 

All in all, I have NO idea where we are going to dinner this weekend. I still haven’t mentioned it to my husband and I’m positive my in-laws probably have somewhere in mind already. But knowing that these priceless little treasures are out there makes this decision all the more relaxed. I can sleep easy tonight in knowing that I can enjoy the pleasure of these biscuits from the comfort of my home . . .  and if we end up at Denny’s this Friday, at least we didn’t waste an evening without Never Ending Shrimp. #NobodyGoesToRedLobsterForTheLobster. 

What are some famous treats gone “grocery” that you know of?? Always looking for new trends!! 🙂 


– C

2 thoughts on “Cheddar Bay Biscuits & Quaaludes *

  1. Biggby has frozen hot chocolate?! I DID NOT KNOW THIS!
    Did you know they have cheddar bay biscuit MIX?! Pete and I have gotten it from Sams and we’ve seen it at Kroger before, too. It’s literally the Red Lobster version. I think all you add is milk and cheese or water and cheese… I can’t remember.


    • OMG Yes, I got coupons in the mail to Biggby and had to give it a try. I’m officially addicted. Also, I am going to be buying the biscuit mix over the weekend FOR SURE. I can’t wait. I hope they have them at Costco too since that’s where our membership is to. I’ll keep you posted! Xo


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