Boy, That Escalated Quickly *

In light of my recent blogging, it’s come to my attention that my acts of “internet rant”- if you will – have been everything less than secretive. With numerous friends and family discovering my private world of personal thought, it’s becoming more and more apparent that I need to step forward before I’m “found out”. While I initially planned to post publicly from the start, the past 5 months have made quite clear that I am in no way ready to step out of my comfort zone.

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In the beginning, personal dissatisfaction was strung together by tiny pieces of self-doubt and Front Paige News was in NO WAY ready for public scrutiny. While I dabbled with layout, structure, themes and more, the first few months of this personal blog were both completely chaotic and professionally un-published. If you take a look through my Archives, you’ll see that one Photography post was made back in October (My First Post EVER) and then NOTHING until the last weeks of November. I was absolutely petrified long before “my” world was even part of the equation. With no idea on where to go, I refused to face my fears. Then one sleepy day in November I came across Amanda over at Voyage of the MeeMee. A close friend, she lit a fire under my ass to get up and get going. Her blog’s been a great motivation and while we’ve discussed our mutual fears of going “Public” if you will, she can always – at the very least – inspire me to take tackle my fears online. This works, and now I’m regularly posting to an audience of complete strangers. Did I mention it’s fun??

But that’s not the point.

Now I’m here, 30+ posts later and I’m starting to feel the pressure of what to do with myself and my blog. Who am I writing to? While I adore this personal “blogisphere” I live in with a micro-mini collection of comments and a handful of followers, I know that my reasoning behind blogging in the first place was to create an open forum for those that I know and care about to come together and follow-up on the things going on in me and my family’s life. Now that I’m actually blogging, that’s my biggest fear!

Am I ready for everyone I know outside of this tiny space to see my little creation? Is it really anything? Lets be real, I still have no idea what I’m doing and while I’d like to think my friends and family would chime in each day and merrily read up on my happenings, this is nothing more than an elongated Facebook status that most people should scroll on by. . . Which brings me to my next fear, what if people DO read it? That’s even more horrifying! What if people actually like this garbage and I end up feeling more and more obligated to keep up on my posts. The pressure would be both intimidating and unnecessary on so many levels. I mean, it could really get out of hand! This isn’t my full-time profession. I don’t need the added stress of one more item on my daily “to-do” list do I? Or do I?

While I’ve yet to really feel secure in my blogging abilities, it’s something I truly look forward to. Yes, I still slack on a variety of levels and no, I don’t always know where I’m going with each post. But that’s ok, I’m learning. I’m facing my fears on a daily level and instead of running, I’m stepping up. . . .little by little.

I guess this brings me to my question for all of you: At what point did you take the plunge and introduce your personal space to your personal “people”? Was it months? Years? Immediately? What was your experience and what is your advice – if any – for me?

Ps. I would also like to toss a huge Happy Birthday out to Amanda over at Voyage of the MeeMee! Your’e the peaches to some sweet and tasty cream and I love you bitch. . . Xo! 

For Your Birthday I Grew You A Cat.jpg


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First Time Fears *

So I’ve spent the past 11 months coming up with multiple reasons NOT to start this blog. Between layout, theme, goals, and purpose, I have all but circulated around a thousand ideas that didn’t seem to make the cut. The “Buts”, “What Ifs” and “I Dunnos” had taken over my motivation and it took me coming across my friend Amanda’s Blog last week, (posting to Facebook yesterday) to finally inspire me to cut this crap and man up.

Amanda’s such a light hearted person who I never could picture blogging a day in her life. . .”BUT” boy was I wrong. She’s fantastic! I had the pleasure of meeting Amanda through my husband and his childhood friends. While we’re opposite on so many levels, we’ve found a true connection in humor and choice beverages. . . We also have a strong bond over corn on the cob,- but we will save that for another day. Either way I would just like to say THANK YOU- Amanda you’re a fantastic person and you’ve really inspired me to get off my tiny ass and create something I’ve all but avoided for the past year. This first post is dedicated to your amazingness. 

The fact is, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy talking. A Lot. Many of my closest friends would say I’m an aspiring olympic athlete at the sport of talk, or just the most annoying bitch to ever grace your awkward silence. Either way, I enjoy a good conversation. I am however, apparently NOT confident at this entire blogging thing. I’m beginning to feel as if my social obsession is what has prevented me from continuing my never-ending thought process to the great wide world web. Perhaps blogging is best suited for those that process thought onto paper, type their feelings into reality or are specifically more confident in placing their words on the web? As I work in social media, I see how permanent the internet truly is. Maybe that’s my fear? (I do see a lot of stupid people place thoughtless spatter onto a permanent and public platform on a daily basis #SMH.) Either way, lets jump in and make this what it is. . . . An overwhelmingly boring blog about my less than significant life. . . .

How You're Undoubtedly Feeling By Now

(How You’re Undoubtedly Feeling By Now)

So while most of you have already lost interest in all this soul-searching, let me just end this first post with reminding myself, and maybe some of you: Just jump in. Stop making excuses and as my lovely husband would say “Get At It”. So here we go. 

Thank You Again Ms. Amanda!


♥- C