These Are My Confessions. *

I’m just going to jump right in today as I don’t have time for some class act intro. . . .so here we go:

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I confess. . . I couldn’t wait to post this week strictly because of this photo. It’s basically amazing and I used to be ALL up in this jam. Middle School days re-lived. #Winning. #TheseAreMyConfessions #Usher

I often strategically leave “my” iPad in an easily accessible location before bed for my daughter to find each morning. It equates to an additional 30 minutes + of sleep for me. As long as she has the iPad, she’s completely preoccupied AKA forgets she needs to pull my hair, steal my blankets, yell my name for no reason and shriek loudly for food. It’s pretty much the best idea I’ve ever had.

I plan to make this Lemonade stand for my daughter today . . . . It’s pretty much amazing. Since I’m currently just running my Etsy Shop from home, I figure: Why not put my almost 3-year-old to work? She needs to start pulling her weight. Did I mention my mother is coming over to help us get supplies and construct? #GodHelpUs. #GirlsDayGoneWrong. #ToolTime!

I offered to guest post for Chelsee next Thursday over at Southern Beauty Guide. I’m beyond excited!! I haven’t a clue what I’m going to publish yet but I can’t wait to be featured on such a fun blog. Great girl, great blog, great name! (I’m a little partial). Seriously though, what should I post?? GO check her out and let me know your thoughts!!

I can’t stop eating Lucky Charms. It’s not even normal. . . . went to Costco and got our 2nd family pack in less than 2 weeks. I need an intervention.

I’ve decided I’m growing out my eyebrows. It’s already been 2 months, I rarely go out in public, and nobody (cough. cough. MOM) taught me how to handle this situation in the first place so I’m pretty sure I’ve been doing it all wrong since day one. Why not start over? In the mean time, this is me. . . . .(BTW: This is an entire GIF link dedicated to eyebrows. I God damn love the internet.)

We had deer in our yard today. Now I realize to some of you that’s a totally normal occurrence, but we live off a major intersection with limited fields/wooded areas around, basically a city. . . Deer don’t just come about often/ever. I’m not really confessing anything here, but because of this I have to share this Facebook status update from my sister in-law back in 2011. I wish I still had her initial text message asking for assistance. #Hilarious. #DeerStandingByYourCarAre NOTAnEmergency.


With that, I’m out of here!

Check out how you can confess every Wednesday with Kathy of Vodka & Soda or just Link-Up for the hell of it with Liz at Fitness Blondie for her weekly Hump Day Blog Hop! #GetIt.



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First Time Fears *

So I’ve spent the past 11 months coming up with multiple reasons NOT to start this blog. Between layout, theme, goals, and purpose, I have all but circulated around a thousand ideas that didn’t seem to make the cut. The “Buts”, “What Ifs” and “I Dunnos” had taken over my motivation and it took me coming across my friend Amanda’s Blog last week, (posting to Facebook yesterday) to finally inspire me to cut this crap and man up.

Amanda’s such a light hearted person who I never could picture blogging a day in her life. . .”BUT” boy was I wrong. She’s fantastic! I had the pleasure of meeting Amanda through my husband and his childhood friends. While we’re opposite on so many levels, we’ve found a true connection in humor and choice beverages. . . We also have a strong bond over corn on the cob,- but we will save that for another day. Either way I would just like to say THANK YOU- Amanda you’re a fantastic person and you’ve really inspired me to get off my tiny ass and create something I’ve all but avoided for the past year. This first post is dedicated to your amazingness. 

The fact is, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy talking. A Lot. Many of my closest friends would say I’m an aspiring olympic athlete at the sport of talk, or just the most annoying bitch to ever grace your awkward silence. Either way, I enjoy a good conversation. I am however, apparently NOT confident at this entire blogging thing. I’m beginning to feel as if my social obsession is what has prevented me from continuing my never-ending thought process to the great wide world web. Perhaps blogging is best suited for those that process thought onto paper, type their feelings into reality or are specifically more confident in placing their words on the web? As I work in social media, I see how permanent the internet truly is. Maybe that’s my fear? (I do see a lot of stupid people place thoughtless spatter onto a permanent and public platform on a daily basis #SMH.) Either way, lets jump in and make this what it is. . . . An overwhelmingly boring blog about my less than significant life. . . .

How You're Undoubtedly Feeling By Now

(How You’re Undoubtedly Feeling By Now)

So while most of you have already lost interest in all this soul-searching, let me just end this first post with reminding myself, and maybe some of you: Just jump in. Stop making excuses and as my lovely husband would say “Get At It”. So here we go. 

Thank You Again Ms. Amanda!


♥- C